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Nicola Marchetti (Senior Member, IEEE) received the M.Sc. degree in electronic engineering from the University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, in 2003, and the Ph.D. degree in wireless communications and the M.Sc. degree in mathematics from Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, in 2007 and 2010, respectively. He is an Associate Professor of wireless communications with Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, where he leads the Wireless Engineering and Complexity Science Laboratory (WhyCOM). He is a fellow with Trinity College Dublin. He has authored more than 180 journals and conference papers, two books and nine book chapters, holds four patents, and received four best paper awards. His research interests span AI for future networks, bio-inspired and bio-enabled networks, complex and self-organizing networks, MAC protocols and radio resource management, signal processing for communications, and quantum communications and networks. Dr. Marchetti served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL and the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. He is an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer.

Pedro H. J. Nardelli (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.S. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the State University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, in 2006 and 2008, respectively, and the double Doctoral degree from the University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, and the State University of Campinas in 2013. He is currently an Associate Professor (tenure track) of IoT in Energy Systems with LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland, and holds a position of Academy of Finland Research Fellow. He is currently a Coordinator of Strategic Vertical Area for Energy Vertical in 6G Flagship with the University of Oulu. More information:

Ioannis Krikidis received a diploma in Computer Engineering from the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department (CEID) of the University of Patras, Greece, in 2000, and the M.Sc and Ph.D. degrees from Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications (ENST), Paris, France, in 2001 and 2005, respectively, all in electrical engineering. From 2006 to 2007 he worked as a Post-Doctoral researcher with ENST, Paris, France, and from 2007 to 2010 he was a Research Fellow in the School of Engineering and Electronics at the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK. He is currently a Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus. His current research interests include wireless communications, cooperative networks, 6G communication systems, wireless powered communications, and intelligent reflecting surfaces. Dr. Krikidis serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and Senior Editor for IEEE Wireless Communications LeWers. He is also the Founding Specialty Chief Editor for Communication Theory in Frontiers Communications and Networks. He was the recipient of the Young Researcher Award from the Research Promo9on Foundation, Cyprus, in 2013, the recipient of the IEEEComSoc Best Young Professional Award in Academia in 2016, and the IEEE Signal Processing LeWers Best Paper Award in 2019. He has authored/co-authored more than 300 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings. He has been recognized by the Web of Science as a Highly Cited Researcher for 2017-2021. He is an IEEE Fellow (class 2019) and he has received the prestigious ERC consolidator grant.

Cleanwatts – PI
Dr. Lurian Klein combines expertise in Engineering, Social Sciences & Humanities to be at the forefront of socio-technical innovation and promote systemic interventions in the energy field. He is guided by a personal vision of strengthening democratic values, promoting the sharing economy, reducing energy poverty and injustice, protecting the natural environment, and advancing achievements in the renewable energy realm. He is also a Senior Innovation Developer at Cleanwatts – an energy holding company that aims to foster the innovative use of clean energy and improve energy efficiency through a suite of proprietary advanced digital technologies and collaborative platforms that simplify, amplify, and accelerate the energy decarbonization for communities around the world. He is responsible for the conceptualization and deployment of multimillion (H2020 and Horizon Europe) R&D projects on Renewable Energy Communities, Local Energy Markets, User-Centric Energy Services, End-User Engagement, Social Value Creation, Energy Citizenship, etc. He is also co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer of the EffiSummer startup, which aims to unlock new added value from CO2 emissions reduction measures at the scale of renewable energy communities.

Enerim – PI
Amir Safdarian is a Development Manager at Volue (Enerim) where he is responsible for identifying development opportunities by analyzing energy markets, future trends and customer needs. Before joining Volue, he has been a Senior Scientist with Smart Grid Team at VTT and also an Associate Professor at Sharif University of Technology, Iran, since 2015. He has extensive teaching and research experience. His research interests include electric power distribution system operation and planning, smart grid related issues, and energy system reliability and resilience. He was a recipient of several national and international awards including the 2013 IEEE Power System Operation Transactions Prize Paper Award. He was on the list of outstanding reviewers of IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy for 2016. Since 2019, he has been an Associate Editor of IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution.

Antonis Hadjiantonis is a Senior Engineer at CyRIC while he holds the Ph.D. degree in Wireless Network Management from the Centre for Communications Systems Research (CCSR) of the University of Surrey (UK) and the Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) from the NTUA (Greece). Previously he has worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Kios Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks, University of Cyprus (2009-2013) and a Research Assistant at University of Surrey (2004-2008). His expertise extends to policy-based management of future networks and on critical infrastructure systems. His main interests include self-management and autonomic networking, distributed policy-based management (PBM), wireless mesh and mobile ad hoc networks and convergence of fixed/mobile networks. He has authored several cited publications in high-profile conferences and journals in the area on wireless networks/services operations and management, as well as edited a book on “Telecommunication Economics”.
Antonis can help startups examine the technical feasibility of their hardware and/or software concept/prototype, as well as provide a first opinion on the concept patentability.