




Image-based intrusion detection system for GPS spoofing cyberattacks in unmanned aerial vehicles.

Korium, M. S., Saber, M., Ahmed, A. M., Narayanan, A., & Nardelli, P. H.

 Ad Hoc Networks, 163, 103597.


A novel semantic-functional approach for multiuser event-trigger communication.

Silva, P. E. G., Dester, P. S., Siljak, H., Marchetti, N., Nardelli, P. H., & de Souza, R. A.

Ad Hoc Networks, 159, 103496.


Large-scale Package Deliveries with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Collective Learning.

Narayanan, A., Pournaras, E., & Nardelli, P. H.

IEEE Intelligent Systems. 2:37.


Novel Energy-Centric Analysis for Random Access Networks.

Dester, P. S., Costa, M., Nardelli, P. H., Silva, P. E. G., & Moualeu, J. M.

IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.


Adaptive power flow analysis for power system operation based on graph deep learning.

Xiao Hu, Jinduo Yang, Yang Gao, Mingyang Zhu, Qingyuan Zhang, Houhe Chen, 
Jin Zhao

International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems,
Volume 161, 110166


Towards sustainable 6G: A collaborative call to action for addressing environmental challenges in (and thanks to) future mobile networks

Sébastien Faye, Monique Calisti, Simon Pryor, Indrakshi Dey, 
Maria Pia Fanti, Francesco Malandrino,  
Chiara Lombardo

European Commission: Open Research Europe


Optimal Sizing of Battery Energy Storage Capacity
Considering Demand Charge for Industrial Loads

Madia Safdar, Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo, Ghulam Amjad Hussain, Arslan Ahmad Bashir

7th International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems


Chaotic Waveform-Based Signal Design for Noncoherent SWIPT Receivers

Priyadarshi Mukherjee, Constantinos Psomas, Ioannis Krikidis

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications


Detection and Classification of Anomalies in WSN-enabled Cyber-physical Systems

Daniel Gutierrez-Rojas; Charalampos Kalalas; Ioannis Christou; Gustavo Almeida; Eslam Eldeeb; Sihem Bakri; Nicola Marchetti; Jean M. S. Sant’Ana; Onel L. Alcaraz López; Hirley Alves; Constantinos Papadias; Muhammad Haroon Tariq; Pedro H. J. Nardelli

IEEE Sensors Journal


Enhanced Accuracy and Real‐Time Monitoring: A Hybrid Communication Architecture for Fertility Monitoring

Shama Siddiqui, Anwar Ahmed Khan, Muhammad Shoaib Siddiqui, Indrakshi Dey

Journal of Computer Networks and Communications


Enhancing Health Risk Prediction in Internet of Medical Things: Leveraging Association Rule Mining

Anwar Ahmed Khan, Shama Siddiqui, Indrakshi Dey

JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science


Quantum Game Theory Meets Quantum Networks

Indrakshi Dey, Nicola Marchetti, Marcello Caleffi, Angela Sara Cacciapuoti

IEEE Wireless Communications


Quantum teleportation in higher dimension and entanglement distribution via quantum switches

Indrakshi Dey, Nicola Marchetti

IET Quantum Communications


Towards assessing reliability of next‐generation Internet of Things dashboard for anxiety risk classification

Shama Siddiqui, Anwar Ahmed Khan, Farid Nait Abdesselam, Shamsul Arfeen Qasmi, Adnan Akhundzada, Indrakshi Dey

IET Wireless Sensor Systems


Integrated SWIPT Receiver with Memory Effects: Circuit Analysis and Information Detection

Eleni Demarchou, Zulqarnain Bin Ashraf, Dieff Vital, Besma Smida, Constantinos Psomas, Ioannis Krikidis

ICC 2024 - IEEE International Conference on Communications


Power Peak Position Modulation for SWIPT Networks with OFDM-based Waveforms

Maria Dimitropoulou, Christos N. Efrem, Constantinos Psomas, and Ioannis Krikidis


Optimized Topology Control for IoT Networks using Graph-based Localization

Indrakshi Dey, Nicola Marchetti



RIS-aided Wireless Communication with Movable Elements: Geometry Impact on Performance

Yan Zhang, Indrakshi Dey, Nicola Marchetti



Crossover-BPSO Driven Multi-Agent Technology for Managing Local Energy Systems

H. M. Hussain, A. Ahmad and P. H. J. Nardelli

IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE)


Pricing Mechanisms versus Non-Pricing Mechanisms for Demand Side Management in Microgrids

C. N. Almeida, A. Narayanan, M. Hussain and P. H. J. Nardelli

IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE)